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Pro Planning Tip # 1 - Create a World

There are so many things that go into throwing a memorable event. For any of you who have planned a wedding or large event, you know first and foremost what I am talking about. Now not every little party is to that type of magnitude but it is work, throwing a party.

So I am creating a series called Pro Planning on my blog. These blog posts will break down my personal tips for planning events. I am starting with my # 1 priority, Creating a World.

This is one of my favorite parts about planning a party. This is the phase where you just get to brainstorm! I spend lots of time brainstorming, usually days or even weeks.

How do I make my guests feel like they are somewhere else? How do I make my guests forgot about their every day worries and just have fun? What is the scene? Where are we? I keep the senses in mind like what would my guests smell, taste, touch, hear, and see.

The senses are a great tool to use when thinking of atmosphere. Smell is very powerful and can be achieved by perhaps something being cooked, fire, candles, or flowers. Taste is typically the food you are serving. It should be relative to the event in some way. Touch can be the textures of table cloths, chairs, favors, and even activities. Hear is typically music or background noise. And see is the surroundings and decor. These are just a few ideas I have rattled off and I always encourage thinking outside of the box.

I write things down that continue to stick in my brain. It can be anything, I don't put limits on the brainstorming phase. I just make sure to keep one goal in mind - how do I create a world...

Pro Planning Tips will be a re-occuring series. Keep checking back for more tips or be the first to know by subscribing to my blog!

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