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Stephanie Phoebus White

I used to love to party - dancing, drinking, clubs, games, any excuse to party really. That was my life in high school and college... and honestly a bit after college too. I was that girl who could bust moves and drink most guys under the table.


When I got my first big girl job in Washington, D.C. as an event planner, my partying was taken to another level. Bigger, bolder, and polished was the name of the game. I fell in love as I started planning weddings, corporate gala's and private home celebrations. I have continued to work in the event industry, particularly catering for the last 7 years, working on thousands of events ranging from small in-home birthday parties to huge seated galas and weddings. 


Don't get me wrong though, I still love a good old house party with beer pong on a hot summer afternoon. Those days are just few and far in between now that I am almost 30...a wife.. and a new mom. I still love to party...just in a different way....


Here on The Party Animal, you will find do-able and budget friendly ideas for entertaining from menus, games and themes, to decor, setup and planning all stemming from my professional experiences in the real event world. I bring that knowledge home and mix it together with my own frugal creative ideas to throw some memorable events for family and friends. 


I don't wait for celebrations to come to me. I create new celebrations and traditions all the time. I would throw a party everyday if I could and I am learning how to do just that. So come party with me!

A Little Word about My Blog

I do not pretend to be perfect. I am not trying to be professional. I am just a girl who loves to entertain and have fun. You will not find amazing photo's here, mostly just "caught in the moment" snaps with an iPhone. You will find spelling mistakes as I get excited and rush about posting new content. I blog about real things happening in my home and real occasions I celebrate with my family and friends. My only real goal here is to inspire and teach...


and show off my awesome parties...

Event Advice Chat

So you have a party and you pretty much have your "stuff" together, but you need a little help with planning. Or you just have some quick questions that you would like answered by an event professional. I have developed Event Advice Chat just for this. Click to chat and find out more!


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